Friday, October 31, 2008

Let's Get Started in Here (okay, so it's a little late)

Okay, so I know it's mid-season right now for the NFL, and probably past the mid-way point of your fantasy league's season... But, I've been meaning to start this up for some time as I feel like I have expertise in the area of fantasy football. Just as a little background, this is the 5th season I've played fantasy football, in 3 different leagues.

The 1st 2 seasons were in the same league with my high school friends. Season 1 I finished 3rd, but in Season 2 I won my league. The 3rd season and 4th seasons of FF I played was in a league with my brother-in-law and his army buddies. I won the league both years. This season, I joined a highly competitive 12-team league with my buddies, as well as continued my 3rd year with my brother-in-law (we co-manage a team, he's the General Manager, I'm the Head Coach, lol). So, my winning % has been pretty darn good, and I tend to be ahead of the curve in regards to players. I had Carson Palmer in his 1st good year in the league, I had Tony Romo 2 years ago (the season he became a starter), I had Tom Brady last year, I have Drew Brees this year... Not sure what it is, but I've got something when it comes to taking Top QB's.

Anyway, this is just going to be a blog focused on who I feel are the good/bad players to play each week, who might be good pickups if still available in your league, etc. I may not be paid by ESPN to do this, but I do know what I'm talking about.

Oh, and did I mention how my teams are doing this year? I'm in 1st place in one league and 2nd place in the other. I know, I know. 2nd place??? That's unacceptable considering I haven't lost a season of fantasy football in over 3 years. Just kidding... ;)